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Old 2012-10-17, 16:49   Link #53
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Athens (GMT+2)
Age: 35
A) You're just reducing my evidence to its basis element. If that's the case, we could easily argue that it's still the same as Obito because him and Madara are basing their plan on the justice of them being stronger and dictating that their Eye of the Moon plan is 'right'. Isn't that correct? Please remember that 'free will' arguments are self-defeating and usually not useful in debate. I'm not disagreeing with you, merely saying that your truth only simplifies my truth.
Indeed, no complaints here

B) A child's mind is a child's mind. While Naruto's world is dark, there is still an instilled sense of duty and moral obligations and an adolescent teen is still capable of sustaining permanent emotional scarring from a traumatic event such as witnessing a best friend kill the person they love.
Imo Naruto's personal experience was far worse than any other character's; from chapter 1 he's already with no friends and no home...and things only get worse after the VotE. He didn't save Sasuke, he lost Jiraiya, half his village actually perished and he was still holding onto his beliefs. In contrast, Obito cracked immediately.
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