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Old 2012-12-19, 18:24   Link #36
Warm Mist
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
To be frank, the most I got out of this episode was the amazing FX cut near the end with Yuuta reciting the BANISHMENT THIS WORLD line. Also, the letter to himself caught me off guard and was a very neat add.

But for the most part, I found the episode lacking. I don't know exactly why, maybe it was too fast paced for a finale? The climatic point didn't feel that climatic at all for me, and it was not enough of a closer.

The scene with the Ethereal Horizon was as gorgeous as Hyouka's cherry blossoms in its finale, but that was much more fulfilling in context. Not to mention the narrator explaining the theme of the series to us was totally unnecessary and lessened the impact of the finale. It would have been much better if they left things like that to the viewer, really; though he had a very good voice.

All in all, I'm not really satisfied with this finale. Too little sakuga porn, too little emotional resolution, too many threads hanging. It almost seems like a set up for a second season, which I hope doesn't happen since Ishihara has many more interesting things he can work on, and it would be a waste of time.

All that's left now is to wait for the BD shorts and episode 13, which I hope deliver in the comedy and action department, something that was totally evaporated from the show in the second half.
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