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Old 2003-11-05, 23:28   Link #1
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Talking KgNE dubbed in the States?

I bet the States (America) would just screw this anime over.
Let's just hope they don't license it before we get to see the last episode.

Well if they ever DO license it and actually make a really good dub for it, then I would be happy to watch it again. But I don't think they would put it on morning T.V. because kids might see the "Takayuki and Haruka in bed together" scene, and then asking their parents what they are doing. :P It would be best if they put it in night time T.V. Also if this were to happen... TELL YOUR FRIENDS! :P Or they'll be missin' out and you should probably make your parents watch it too ^^.
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