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Old 2004-09-07, 05:47   Link #3
Weapon of Mass Discussion
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: New York, USA
Orochimaru had already used all his best techniques (which you mention) and he nearly died anyway while fighting against an old and used up Sarutobi. Considering this, it is safe to say that if Sarutobi was in his prime he would have totally pwn3d Orochimaru. If he'd been just a little bit stronger there isn't any question that he would have been able seal Orochimaru with him in the Shinigami's stomach. If he'd actually been in his prime I doubt that he would have had to attempt something so desperate.

Curiously, Sarutobi "The Professor," was renowned for knowing an awful lot of techniques himself. It is probable that he knows an answer for any dirty trick that Orichimaru knows so let's not even bother guessing how he would have responded to any of those "loads of bullshit techniques" that Orochimaru might have used if Sarutobi had been stronger. We can assume that "The Professor" can devise a counter to most, if not all, of them.

Even so, regardless of what Orochimaru thinks, just having several thousand techniques doesn't make someone the strongest. It's how you use what you have which matters most, and in that Sarutobi was clearly the better ninja.

There's not that fine a line between willing suspension of disbelief and something just being stupid.
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