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Old 2011-01-07, 11:04   Link #399
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: In Maya world, where all is 3D and everything crashes
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Kafriel View Post
New question: I have the feeling that 3v3 is much harder than 5v5 as the levels increase, because you need to know a main champion very well and require synergy with other champions that others also happen to know just as well, and the game is very aggressive/harrass-heavy, while on 5v5 things are more I right for thinking that way?
Sort of, I've never really played 3vs3. I am stuck as mid about 90% of the times.
When in a 2vs2 lane you can depend on each other and if the enemy makes a mistake then he is sure as dead in most cases. He can relly on the other person and you work together, you stun the other charges for example.
In the 1vs1 lane it is a great adventage to know all about your enemy, know how the hero attacks and you don't have to focus on any other player that might also be in your lane luring you out so you get ganked by the other enemy hero.
1vs1 lane is great fun, had to play against Kath once as Lux and I blinked to my turrent right as she used her purple smoke teleport attack thing. She died shortly after. 1vs1 is great fun, cause then i depends on your skill and not you rellying or the enemy relying on the other player with you
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