Thread: Crunchyroll Hunter X Hunter Anime (2011)
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Old 2013-06-25, 11:24   Link #3193
User of the "Fast Draw"
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Originally Posted by HybridBloodsZak View Post
Everyone loves Killua which is why they want to support him and its totally fine to do so. I'll just say some anime-only viewers are being hard on Morel right now. First shown in Heaven's Arena, this topic of Nen overwhelming someone has just been reintroduced from the perspective of being overwhelmed(The Frog, Hagya, Rammot, Killua). Why Killua does what he does in battles and thinks the way he thinks about fights will make sense down the line(kinda soon actually) and it has an awesome resolution

This facet of Nen I find the most fascinating about the system and this arc will show why in some really interesting ways

As Kite said at the beginning of the episode and Morel reinforces later, being a Hunter is really about how strong your resolve is and in this particular case Killua's resolve was weaker than Pitou's. If your mind isn't resolute your Nen won't work correctly or even be able to use it. Rammot already learned that lesson last week when he felt Pitou's will/malice(Nen). Notice how Gon had an explosion of Nen after seeing Kite's arm. He wasn't afraid of Pitou but willing to go all out against that nefarious creature. He was steadfast even after being exposed to Pitou's malicious aura. Gon has always had the will of a rock as evidenced throughout the series. He wouldn't give up against Hanzo in the Hunter Exam or the Bomber on Greed Island
I don't think anyone's being unnecessarily hard on Morel. Shows up and acts like an arrogant jerk. Will see how he likes dealing with that crap and if he manages to stay alive in this arc.

Also I don't think resolve is worth much if it doesn't let you retreat. If resolve means suicidal attacks against enemies you can't beat then what good is it? Intelligence and knowing when to retreat should still matter. Maybe the series will tackle the whole resolve thing. Normally you could imply that it's a great thing to have unshakeable resolve. Yet, in this kind of series it seems like something that will just get you killed.
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