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Old 2008-08-04, 17:06   Link #1281
Adeptus Animus
Join Date: Jan 2007
Age: 36
What I personally believe this to be is Seven Arcs taking a step back. They've always liked keeping things vague, and most fanservice isn the former two seasons was shared between the various pairings, giving all sides an equal chance to say 'yes, this pairing is what I see'

In StrikerS though, they leaned too far to NanoFate. Sure, the two of them sleeping in the same bed, most could handle (it was a rather large bed after all) but then the double-mommy thing? That caused the NanoFate fanservice to skyrocket so much that the Yuunoha, NanoVita and Fatenum fanservice was sort of... blotted out. Seven Arcs was having trouble making people believe that Nanoha and Fate were 'just friends', they couldn't give people equal chances anymore.

So they decided to take a few steps back, retrace their steps to a point where they could twiddle their fingers and say 'married? of course they're not married' And when people ask if they are a pair, they could still twiddle their thumbs and say 'well, what do you think?'
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