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Old 2011-09-23, 02:43   Link #24
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Originally Posted by Kazu-kun View Post
One thing to note is that Masako knew Ringo only had half the diary (in episode 10), so even if she wasn't the one who stole the other half, she seems to be in contact with whoever did it.
I wouldn't say she is in contact necessarily but that she knew the diary was stolen because she was keeping tabs on Ringo and the diary most likely. (actually, there is a detail that can be stretched here too. The caller that called Ringo asked her to bring "the diary" and drop it and the one who picked it up was Masako. The texter that texted Kanba asked to hand over "the half of the diary". They could, if they were desperate, play the two to be different people etc. but I don't think they are gonna or would need to and that's cheap as hell and something I severely dislike...)

She did plan the attack on the hospital the next day so she definitely saw or somehow came to know about the "accident" and thus, the stealing.
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