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Old 2013-01-06, 16:53   Link #51
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Dhomochevsky View Post
However, if said god is also omnipotent at the same time (like the christian/muslim/judaism god), then he has the power to change everything, just by willing it.
If he deciedes to intervene in some cases, and not in others, that would effectively negate free will, because it is all up to god in the end to permit something to happen.
The only way such a god could enable free will in other beings, would be to always refrain from intervention, because this is the only option that requires no active 'permission' from god, for things to actually happen.
This however would be equivalent to god not existing.
So either (monotheistic) god does not exist, or we have no free will...
You're talking about absolute free will, which I do not believe exists for any being other than God.

However, limited free will do exists.

It is like the laws and rights that exist in human societies. There are many freedoms and rights that people possess, but none possesses absolute freedom. People's freedoms and rights are limited in one way or another, some more than others, but to a certain degree, freedom exists.
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