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Old 2010-05-17, 14:29   Link #31
Knowledge is the solution
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: St. Louis, MO
Age: 39
So free will *can* exist... BUT -- humans operate far more frequently on "mental automatic pilot" than they themselves often realize. They let their past experience and mental baggage, flaky world-view models, etc. drive their choices without re-examining them. This makes them very predictable. Brains that are always learning and adapting to new information (and hence rewiring itself, dropping connections, adding connections) are harder to predict for future behavior other than they're likely to be more successful in adjusting to new situations.
Isn't that a contradiction though? Learning and adapting to new information can also be reworded as remaking your word models and adding more stuff and more baggage, and more past experience.

As for Heisenberg uncertainty principle, I would like to take Einstein's take in the issue when he said that randomness just reflects our ignorance about a given subject, however the concept still baffles me to be truthful. This certainly have interesting impacts on implying things like multiverses interpretations and imposing necessary probability distributions when talking about the future, however I'm still doubtful as to how relevant quantum physicis principle can be on the macrouniverse

But a human being is more than the sum of his parts. He has an autonomous mind that emerged out of the biological processes that created him. The mind is an intangible product that requires a whole new set of statistics to measure, separate from the ones that measure our bodily functions. Thought processes can be reduced to the electrical signals between neurons, but the infinite interactions created something larger than the sum of all those signals: conscious thought.
And yet, in the end concious thought can be reduced to something completely measurable, graphed, and understood as a mathematical model

This video describes the effort of Japanese scientists to reconstruct the thoughts of a subject when presented with a given image. Peer-reviewed paper on the above here.
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