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Old 2012-09-21, 13:25   Link #2
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: The town where Copernicus was born.
Age: 38
About Kurapika being depicted as a female in the old version:
Originally Posted by SHINOBI-03 View Post
Spoiler for Why do I keep saying Kurapika is a girl in Nippon's adaptation:
"Hungry [man] has bread/steak on his mind." This expression suits you very well. You obviously want "old" Kurapica to be a female.

Originally Posted by SHINOBI-03 View Post
Episode 07: Look at this pictures. Are you telling me these are not breasts and his shirt "happened" to look like this?!
Give me another example of his "breasts". Otherwise, yes, it only happened to be like this and it's insignificant when you compare it to the number of times where there is no shadow and he looks completely flat.

And hey, look what I've found:

The curve on his shirt must mean he has big breasts, right?

Episode 18: What's the deal with "his" reaction of seeing naked Leoreo?! Even he thought Kurapika's behavior was suspicious!
Don't know about you but I don't like to look at naked men either.

Episode 32: What's the deal of this pose?! Guess who else I saw doing this...
I can guess:

Your comparison to Sakura is like comparing apples and oranges. Or not even that. And surprise, surprise, Kurapica had no problems with sitting with his legs spread later.

Episode 45: Need to remind you about the chain bondage scene?! Just give it watch to know what's the deal.
And what is the deal? Because what I see is that Kurapica has been shown in his natural state were there were no foreign objects on him (the chain was something he created, a part of his body).

Anyway, can the above examples be interpreted as you've interpreted them? Sure. Can they be interpreted the way I've interpreted them? Sure. Which only shows that creators of the old anime did a perfect job since Kurapica's gender hasn't been confirmed in the manga to this day. But unless stated explicitly otherwise Kurapica is a normal guy. And there is not even a hint of faggotry in his scenes, not even close. Contrary to the new anime and the infamous Hunterpedia episode where Killua kisses Gon. Or even worse: </throwing up>. For that reason alone old anime >> new anime.

While taking screenshots I've remembered about two other things that really annoyed me. The scene of opening the gate in which Madhouse has completely messed up (but hey, at least we got the boring background of Canary ) and when Leorio's arm-wrestle scene was cut out.
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