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Old 2012-04-11, 19:30   Link #29
Annie Leonhart
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Indiana
Chapter 663
That was not a bad chapter. Ceasar Clown background finally revealed. That explains why Ceasar Clown is so worried about being spotted by the Marines. Samurai guy has a strange devil fruit. Sanji is a funny guy. I wonder how long the switching technique lasts, or does it require the user to change them back?

Strange actions
For Law not wanting smoker and the straw hats to leave the Island, he sure has a weird way of going about it. Letting them roam on the Island still in one piece. Is he keeping them there has a trump card to get what was taken from him? If he is trying to get something back why does he not clear the story with Luffy? This could be an IOU moment for law. Instead he keeps it all a secret from both the Marines and Luffy.
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