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Old 2006-02-07, 19:01   Link #2
Vampie Walrus. Big fangs
Join Date: Oct 2004
Originally Posted by NeoSam
Nothing objectionable in the following links:
Except for thew ad banners (getchu changes them frequently based on whichever companies are their top sponsors at the time or whatever ones are releasing to-watch-for titles) but not that I mind. They're all so cute

As for the translation, I can't read japanese (only understand the spoken stuff in certain situations) but I'd wager that the game goes off a points system. Many "timed" dating sims (where you have so many time points to visit the locations on a map) employ this method. The most famous is likely the Sakura Taisen games, only I think this is in reverse. Basically, it's not much different than any normal dating sim. It just means that you'll likely be able to see their progress (forward or backward) whereas in most dating sims it's hidden.
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