Thread: Why we sub.
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Old 2013-06-01, 10:36   Link #11
Ancient Fansubber
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: KS

Long ago - 21 years ago - I started fansubbing for:
1. Wanted to be able to share my passion for anime with my friends and have them be able to understand and enjoy the show.

2. Didn't want to listen to horrible dubs by cruddy American voice actors who sound like they are reading from a script.

3. Thought I might be able to do better than what I'd seen out there already.

4. Had to resub some shows professional companies did due to their botching the job. Like using "dub-titles" and using ALL-CAPS(Pioneer was notorious).

5. Wanted to share my scripts with other fansubbers. And we did, plus they shared theirs with us - then you customize it to your liking. The good old days.

And I'm still doing it today because I enjoy it. The passion still hasn't died out.
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