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Old 2011-11-08, 13:34   Link #80
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Relevant bits from NewType (TL'd by symbv):

岩・TVシリーズを劇場版として見たいというスタッフの意見もあり、TVシリーズ再編集版を前後編で2本、 完全新作を1本で全3本の劇場版プロジェクトを立ち上げる事にした
I - Since the feedback was really great even during broadcast, since around January we started to consider a 2nd season.
U - But the plot that was submitted (for discussion) was not sufficient to fill up one cour...
I - And there were opinion from some staff who wanted to see the TV series in a movie format, so at the end we started the movie project in which there are altogether 3 movies - 2 movies as a two-part work of TV series rearrangement and 1 movie that is a completely new work.
新・TVシリーズは毎回次の話が楽しみになるような「引き」を意識していたが、総集編ではそこが変わってく る
岩・TVシリーズは完成した作品だが、劇場で見る事で違う見方が出来ると思う。本当の意味でのジェットコー スタームービーになると良い
新・劇場版の総集編という言葉には浪漫がある、ヤマト然りガンダム然り、劇場のスクリーンにかかるのは作り 手としても嬉しい瞬間
S - In the TV series we were aware of the "pulling power" that got [the watcher] to eagerly anticipate the next episode. This will change in the summary version.
I - The TV series is a work that is already complete. I think by watching the movies one can come up with a different viewpoint. If it becomes a roller-coaster movie in a true sense it will be good.
S - There is romance in the word "summary version in movie format". Be it Yamato or Gundam, for a creator the moment when he involves with the theater screen is a most happy one.
A - The theater may become a Inu-Curry space.
U - For the screenplay, there may be a need to do some work in order to fit in the length, but basically I do not plan to change the story.
S - On sound side there will be some changes. I also think the whole cast will have to do after-recording agian.
U - I want people to think that the rearrangement version as a two-shot firework, and the completely new work that comes after is its continuation.
So the new movie IS a sequel after all.

 ・TVシリーズは脚本が先行していたので自分の世界観が中心だったが、新作は「Magica Quartet」の真骨頂と言える物になる
 ・明らかに虚淵玄というライターだけでは出てこないアイデアがベースになっている、「魔法少女まどか☆マ ギカ」だから出来た物語になっている
U - During discussions that were centered around the 4 people here we came up with a certain idea, and I finally got the feeling that I am able to create a new work.
- Where as in the TV series, as the screenplay came first, my world view was at the center, in the new work it will be something that can be said to showcase the true value of "Magica Quartet".
- Some days ago the final draft of the screenplay for the new work was all but finished. The production work is progressing smoothly.
S - The subtitle is not decided yet
- I really wanted to make the title "Incubator Strikes Back".
U - Let's ask Kyubey to do the CM...
S - I am sure Kyubey will just say "you didn't say it will be released to theaters that soon, did ya?"...
Does this mean that in the new movie Kyubey is out to make everyone's lives miserable again? Fuck you, Kyubey!

* Special Comments

・庵野秀明氏:キュゥべえは記号としてのキャラとして徹底されていて気持ちいい。魔女の記号化とかも巧い、 あと音楽が良い。あと10話のほむほむの描き方がよかった。劇場版も期待しています
- Hideaki Anno: It feels good to see Kyubey to be so thoroughly worked as a symbol as well as a character. The symbolization of the witches is also skilfully done. And then the music is good. And then the way HomuHomu was depicted in Ep.10 was good. I have good expectation of the movie edition.

- Hitoshi Sakoh (apparently the guitarist of a rock band called Galileo Galilei): The pairing of Madoka and Homura is just the best!
Even Anno loves Homu. Homu is the best!!

Last edited by Kazu-kun; 2011-11-08 at 13:55.
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