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Old 2012-01-06, 06:22   Link #316
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Too drastic for someone like Fate. Especially if it was done unknowingly. Alteration of the runes to remove the manipulation, but not immediate cessation.
Agreed , fully. If we take Nanohaverse magical knowledge and complexity as being centuries ahead of Halkagenia , even the Void Runes should be moddable in that manner , with enough time. Nevermind that it is Los-tech. Unless , of course , the Void Runes are of Al Hazardan or some other distant precursor civilization origin....

As Starlight Breaker shows it matters little who's mana it is when using spells. It's still perfectly usable by another mage.
Not necessarily. Usable does not mean instantly usable. Teena only mastered the Starlight Breaker after Striker S , for example. While Arf might be completely capable of spamming Photon Lancers with Louise's mana , I'd think the rather unusual nature of Louise's magic means that it would be reasonable if we handicap Arf early on by forcing her to adapt her spells to the unusual nature of Louise's magic.

Actually , it might be best to distinguish between usability and potentially capability. While I'd say that even Fate is potentially Capable of using Starlight Breaker , should she chose , I doubt it usable for her from the get go.

In the same way , while Arf might be potentially capable of utilizing the full breadth of Fate's spell knowledge , it might not be usable to her at the very beginning , at least until she is aquainted with the unusual nature of Louise's magics.

Furthermore , your argument could easily be extended to Broken attacks in Nanoha Force like Divide Zero. Are you also claiming that Divide Zero is possible with Nanoha's mana?

Also , keep in mind that both Teena and Nanoha are using the same magic system , the Orthodox Mid-Childa style. Void Magics is likely very different , probably as alien as the Eclipse effect to Mid-Childan magics.
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