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Old 2009-06-27, 23:46   Link #121
Annie Leonhart
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Indiana
So far they have shown Admiral Kizaru and Admiral Akoiji. I can't wait to see Admiral Akainu's power or what kind of skills he has in the coming war. I hope Admiral Akainu is a logia user as well. This should be awesome seeing him especially with his "absolute Justice" kind of attitude he has. This guy had no mercy at the Ohara incident and he will have none in this war.

Just seeing Admiral Kizaru in action on the Island and how easily he dispatched with high bounty pirates without even trying. Just how strong is White beard? To think Gold D. Rogers was the best the pirates had. If White Beard battles the three Admirals by himself I will officially be impressed. If White beard falls he better take a good junk of the marines and WG with him.
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