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Old 2012-03-21, 05:29   Link #1
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One Piece - Chapter 661 [manga]

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Ready for more Punk Hazard action, guys? Credit goes to T for the summary and CCC from AP forums for translation:

Chapter title is "Lake of Bandits". Ministory features Hannyabal, who is now warden of Impel Down in Magellan's place.

-Luffy's group get assaulted by the centaurs. The mutants blast their boat with a bazooka, and Zoro gets attacked by a shark. The centaur boss is revealed to be Brownbeard, who is now a crocodile centaur (former bounty was 80,050,000, BTW). Soon, Brooke appears and freezes the weapons of the enemy centaurs, and a freezing wet Luffy's group emerge from the lake. Luffy wants to take the centaurs' clothes, and Brownbeard finally becomes wary as he now realizes who he's facing against.....

-Back to Law vs. the marines, the warlord sticks their battleship to the island. He then tells Sanji's group that there's no escape, and uses his power on them. He actually manages to switch all 4 Straw-Hats' hearts around. Now Sanji is Nami, Chopper is Sanji, Nami is Franky, Franky is Chopper....

-The marines threaten to report him to the WG, but Law steals their denden phones. Tashigi attempts to take him on but apparently her haki isn't strong enough. Smoker then reveals that Law ate the Ope Ope (operation) fruit, making him a free-mod human. He then takes on the Shichibukai himself.....

Wow, this chapter is insane! So now Law ended up switching some of the crew's bodies around.... boy, the hilarity that will ensue. BTW, props to Aohige for guessing the name of Law's power right (guess I owe you a coke, then). And Brownbeard was the centaur boss after all.... well, at least Hawkins didn't finish him off.

BTW, Hannyabal becoming warden is awesome news as well, IMO. But I wonder what other changes ID went through during the skip. Well either way, I'm eagerly awaiting this chapter's release!

Last edited by marvelB; 2012-03-22 at 09:26.
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