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Old 2006-01-12, 01:29   Link #41
Join Date: Oct 2004
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Sakuya
I finally watched this episode. It was pretty good. I liked how Yasuna was in this episode a lot wherea she was pretty much in the start ofthe manga.

[spoiler]After catching Hazumu, Tomari comments on Hazumu's new voice. That scene was pretty weak and unrealistic because male Hazumu and female Hazumu sounds the same.
Listen to it again, the voices are quite different actually. Male Hazumu has a feminine voice, but female Hazumu has a muuuuuch more high pitched and girly voice. Despite the same VA, they sound like two different people, for the most part.

I enjoyed episode one a lot. I agree with Omniscient that it did have a more sci-fi feeling to it then the manga did, not that that's a bad thing though. So far, the show feels like it's going to aim higher then just being a fan service show about a guy becoming a girl. The drama can be felt the instant the show begins!

This episode was slightly boring in the middle area, but next week the good stuff really begins. It just took the time to introduce all the characters properly before jumping into all the crazy stuff.

I'll be waiting for a sub!
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