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Old 2009-12-01, 21:30   Link #40
Proud Yuma Lover.
Join Date: Apr 2007
Originally Posted by Newhope View Post
If Cynthia gets badly injuryed she'll more than likely die she's already exhausted from healing Yuma and Helen and won't have the youki left to heal herself and she can't go over her limits like the fab 4, the only way she'll live is if Yagi pulls a deus ex on us.
Actually going over limits is easy. It's coming back from that that's the hard part. I mean Claire, Helen, Deneve and Miria were all able to go over limits and pull themselves back on their own. The risky part here is can Yuma sync with Cynthia well enough to pull her back if she goes over limits? If Galetea were there, it'd actually greatly increase Cynthia's chances of survival. Hell, it might not be too hard under the correct conditions to become half awakened. You just need to break the 80% release and begin to awaken, then come back. If a good manipulator like Galetea is present, then she can sychronize with them and help pull them back, like she did Claire, then it becomes a lot safer. Even Jean was able to do it, and so far as we know she wasn't too great at Yoki manipulation, or detection. I wonder if this might be a recent development for Claymores brought about by the orgs continuing to refine the process. I think that right now that's what Rubel is the most concerned about the Org learning.
YUMA PUNCH! YUMA BARRIER! YUMA HEALING MAGIC! Yuma has a very diverse moveset.
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