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Old 2010-08-06, 14:03   Link #3692
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Originally Posted by Suzuku View Post
Damn, 4chan thread died. I made a new one, hopefully it gets attention.
I know what you mean my friend....
well the last part of the thread are mostly jokes so it's been killed. I'm even surprised it survive that long due to the fact that the beginning part of the thread is all about misaka being pregnant and everyone ranting that she's going to russia to say it to touma.

well it's not like you can find many imouto's on one place. aleister isn't that dumb enough for that. Plus scattering the remaining 10 000 to cover the whol world means that their might be at least one imouto on major countries or for each countries.

The scattered imouto's outside the city wouldn't be able to meet up with each other so it's fine.

Plus touma did manage to fix LO but not permanently. And the fact that accelerator can still use esper mode and fuze=kazakiri is still functioning means that the imouto's are fine though if fuze=kazakiri is activated they would just return on coma. But kazakiri retain her insanity so it didn't put too much stress on the minds inside the network.

The imouto's are functioning well with wielding AK on their hands aiding the original 10777 if I'm not mistaking.
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