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Old 2010-09-15, 14:05   Link #4428
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: In my room
but isn't that theory doesn't only applied in russia? because it just meant that deep under the earth soil is hell.

though a pretty interesting theory.

I can only see the war as a gain because Touma is getting stronger from it, as well as accelerator. If you compare the growth of those two. Accelerator get's stronger a lot faster and Touma is moving on a slow and steady pace. And thanks to the strong enemy and war from england and now to russia. Touma gained valuable experience to the point that Aleister wants Touma to awaken. He might had leaked the info about Touma to personally drag his 3rd level 5 too russia and go meet with Touma. And knowing Touma know Mikoto. Getting his friends in danger would motivate and enrage him more into power.

And emotion in toaru verse is a powerful weapon.
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