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Old 2010-11-15, 16:58   Link #136
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Auckland, NZ
So this harem-style show basically says "incestulicious" or "yuriliciuos" for Kirino
Yes pelase. Either is fine, I'm not picky <3

Of course, with the way they're showing Kirino to basically be crazy-insane-psycho-bitch
Waitwaitwait you sure you've got the right character? Ayase's the batshit insane yandere ^^; Kirino's just got some... issues. But a very sweet fragile girl deep down. No really.

While I agree that it seems Kyousuke isn't really looking for a relationship at this point in time, you have to consider his interactions with the other characters to determine his subconcious views of them.

Manami: he didn't (eventually) have a problem SLEEPING next to her. With no subtext whatsoever. As platonic as you can get. Manami of course feels differently but can't be helped.

Ayase: I simply won't go there.

Kuroneko: spoilers aside, the way he acts around her is more of a concerned big brother at the moment I believe (oh the irony). He's concerned about her as he's concerned about Kirino, and is anxious to ensure that they remain good friends. She for her part doesn't really seems to have an interest in him as of yet.

Kirino: weeell. She's rained down enough hints to irrigate a few farms but Kyousuke is either oblivious or doesn't want to see it. Even if he does have any latent feelings for her it's probably caught up in his "big brotherly" affections. However the way the anime is progressing this route has the most potential I believe.

Now I may be going out on a limb here, but i believe the reason for Kirino's (and possibly Kyousuke's) feelings are because the Westermarck effect didn't kick in properly. Sure they were living together, but they hardly interacted which I believe may have resulted in may have resulted in insufficient stimuli for reverse sexual imprinting.

Or maybe it's just that Freud was right. He's often right. Smart guy. Damn him. Hallelujah
thanks to Patchy ♥
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