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Old 2012-10-18, 22:59   Link #7
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011 have to love the tech they have from holographic tech to changing cloth to augmented reality of the small mirror...i want those....would you?

ok..on to the story.... in psycho pass it seems CC is considered a disease so everyone who have one need to take a meds and suplement, arguably like those anti-anxiety medication.

Also it is detectable from very young age either from normal reading or DNA reading which entitled the person to be treated either way (so if one have hich CC from child the person need to take meds for life? like epileptic)

we see that sybil is actually is not just for crime but also being used for many life aspect like career and it usually right...whether it is against freedom of choice as some commenter said about, isnt it in the end only a suggestion? and sometime when we in confusion help is always appreciated right...

i believe the basis of sybil reading most likely just from seeing past performance record in this case and see the most likely job that good for the person...

we also see that akane is maybe the smartest out of them all, being (maybe) the only person who ever write a thesis in their team...(university grad) with exception of the doctor..

shinya dont exactly bothered by akane shooting him, because it is her right to do so and she has her own method of doing thing

the method that akane when apprehending the person in ep 1 is right and even though usually people not go by it, it is shown when they apprehend the jealous? guy while in stealth mascot suit

P.S : akane is really shy girl, easily depressed but quite considerate of other opinion, naturally kind, can be pro-active and smart, i think that the reason she was picked by cybil to be CID member...what i wonder what is the CID member criteria by sybil...

P.P.S : akane remind me of saber....but unlike saber who is stubborn she is more open to opinion

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