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Old 2007-08-07, 14:52   Link #208
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Originally Posted by An Hero in Disguise View Post
Oh well, it was kinda my point back then as well. I don't like how he's being continuously portrayed as a madman recently though, I'd prefer him as a calm and calculating type.
He's still calculating, and acting for his interests. That little show with Vivio is definitely calculated.
He has a madman's laugh, but it could be an act.

Originally Posted by An Hero in Disguise View Post
Maybe we use different definitions of caring, but whatever, here you go (I'll use a minor character as example for now): Zafira - he's unlikely to shine anywhere until the end of the season, so his existence now is simply pitiful; he could've had a dramatic last stand scene and die proudly, his death also having a major impact on the rest of the Knights; his character would've become something more than a target for jokes from the audience; that's the way I care about him.
OK. I think I understand now; I hadn't thought of that point of view. I think we have a completely different view of the notion of "character".
You kinda sound like Zafira is conscious of the viewer's existence. Or, said differently, you care about Zafira's image in the eye of the viewer.

I, OTOH, take what I see at face value. I treat Zafira as a real human being, who doesn't know I'm watching him live.
[Well, he's not exactly human, and I don't really care about him that much, but you see the point.]

Let's take another example: Ginga is a nice girl, so I'd feel bad if she died. Whether she's an actual living girl or an anime character, whether or not she'll have a lot of screen time in the remaining episodes of Nanoha StrikerS, changes nothing to that feeling (except of course it'll be far more intense and durable if it happened IRL).
MGLN/Nanohaverse is kinda unique in the sense that danger and the possibility of death exist, but God/the author cares about the people who live in that universe, and won't kill them just for the beauty of the show.

Originally Posted by An Hero in Disguise View Post
That's a point to needle the scenarists/producers, not me. Also seen in many anime
And in real life too. People who actually get the job done have better to do than caring about military status and decorum.

Originally Posted by An Hero in Disguise View Post
I don't think, I feel the difference.
I respect that, but of course we can't discuss the subject then.
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