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Old 2010-06-06, 19:13   Link #24
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by james0246 View Post
Yes, look harder. We've known the name of the walrus for what like decades now...

Well, I'm not saying I'm doubting you or anything, but I checked the Marineford chapters (and even checked out the RAWs to make doubly sure,) and I didn't see walrus dude's name mentioned. Maybe someone else can confirm this....?

Anyway, for those who thought that "pwngoat" was the most badass character in the series, I have to say that a new challenger has appeared..... STEFAN!


Also, our friendly neighborhood aohige has been translating the SBS questions (thanks, man! ). You can check them out at AP (look for the volume 58 thread), but I thought I'd post the questions about Marco and Whitebeard's fruits since they're explained in a little more detail than from Greg's summaries:

Q: How do you do, Oda-sensei. I read volume 57 and I couldn't quite tell the difference between
Ace's mera-mera fruit and Phoenix Marco's mythical zoan.

O: Yes, that is understandable. To make keep the pace of the war going at a fast pace,
I omitted as many explanatory dialogs as possible.
I will tell you a little bit about Marco's ability.
He is a Zoan type, so of course he isn't intangible and have a solid body.
However, he can use the Phoenix ability "Blue Flame of Resurrection" to heal his wounds,
and thus render damage done to him ineffective (however there is a limit to how much he can heal)
In other words, it's a Flame of regeneration. This flame actually doesn't have the characteristics
of a real fire, such as spreading or high temperature. It is totally different from Ace's fire.
I may touch upon the subject in the main story, but for now, this is all I can tell you.

Q: Hello Oda-sensei! I have a question. Is Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate a Logia or a Paramecia?
Whitebeard didn't freeze up when he took Aokiji's attack, so I personally think he's Logia?
O: I know it's difficult. But the answer is Paramecia.
The Gura-Gura fruit is considered the most powerful fruit out of numerous types of Paramecia fruits.
I know because we call him the "Earthquake Man", it's easy to think he's a Logia.
But for that to be true, Whitebeard himself has to be the earthquake.
Whitebeard can cause Earthquake, in other words he is a vibration-man.
In any case, it's a Paramecia fruit that's no less powerful than the Logia fruits.

I really can't stress how great this SBS corner is due to the amount of info packed in it. I can only hope that volume 59's SBS will be just as grand!
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