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Old 2008-08-03, 16:20   Link #1083
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Originally Posted by FlareKnight View Post
No way things can work out smoothly in terms of rescuing Nunnally. But honeslty other than a heart attack how else can Rolo be stopped? Oh well guess we will see how that all turns out.
Well, Lelouch might have fed Rolo with yet another lie to make sure he WILL rescue Nunnally and nothing else. He might have said something to Rolo like "Nunnally is your sister too", or "you will still be my brother, even if she is around".

I honestly don't think Rolo is unwilling to share Lelouch, but is afraid of losing him completely.

I don't think all the crap in ep 13 or 14 would have happened if Lelouch only had told Rolo about Nunally. Rolo wants family, I don't think he'd say no if he was given an additional sister. Lelouch, however, never mentions Nunally to Rolo - he repeately calls Rolo "his only brother", which gives off the impression of that he is letting go of Nunally for Rolo. However, Lelouch's attitude towards Nunally betrays him; what he says in the phonecall scene, mumbling her name in his sleep, he breaks down when Nunally became the new governor of A11, heck, he's even thought of taking her away from Brittania (intercepted by Suzaku tho).

Lelouch himself allowed Rolo to get bad ideas that he'd be replaced if Nunally was reunited with him. I think Rolo is aware of that his one year as Lelouch's bro can't compete with Nunally's lifetime as his sis, which is why I believe he is so unstable and afraid. Lelouch however, has so far been completely oblivious to Rolo's concerns.

If Rolo headed out into the rescue-mission solely to kill Nunnally, I'd blame Lelouch for failing to understand that Rolo is a human being and not just a puppet he can string however he wants.
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