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Old 2009-12-07, 11:13   Link #1
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One Piece - Chapter 567 (manga)

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Nothing like a new spoiler to kick off the week, eh? A small summary is now out (of course, credit goes to aohige for translation):

-Whitebeard fights Aokiji. Whitebeard gets frozen, but it turns out that the admiral's frosty powers have no effect on the mighty emperor. Whitebeard then enhances his spear with what may be either Haki or his earthquake power (apparently the spoiler provider wasn't certain about this,) and attacks Aokiji. However, the attack proved ineffective against the admiral. Jozu then appears and tackles Aokiji, knocking him back. Aokiji is bleeding from his mouth, but Whitebeard looks to be in much worse shape......

-Meanwhile, Luffy is fighting against Momonga and apparently a second VA, as well (again, the spoiler provider isn't too sure). However, both VAs are skilled Rokushiki users (YES, my prediction came true! ), and Luffy is once again biting off more than he can chew. Furthermore, Kizaru decides to follow up on the assault and blows Luffy away towards Whitebeard's location (and apparently he's been KO'ed, since his eyes turned white.....). Whitebeard tells Luffy that he did a good job, and Akainu appears. Whitebeard vs. Akainu is now imminent......

-Marco is about to rescue Ace when Garp attacks him with his fist. The VA tells Marco that he'll have to kill him first if he intends to save Ace.....

Well now, this chapter sounds like a winner already from this small summary alone! I'm glad to learn that we're getting some action from the Buster Call VAs (by the way, I'm hoping that it's Doberman who's fighting with Momonga). Too bad everyone's picking on Luffy, though I know this was to be expected, anyway (after all, he was warned several times beforehand that he'd be an ant compared to the mighty forces clashing in this war....).

It looks like Whitebeard's injuries are giving him a bit of trouble against the admirals (I know the summary said he shrugged off getting frozen, but I really wonder about that....). Also, it's funny to see that Jozu got away with tackling a Logia for a second time (I still wouldn't be so hasty to jump to the conclusion that he's using Haki, though). Garp vs. Marco sounds sweet as well, but I wonder where Sengoku is? Maybe he'll interrupt Akainu mid-fight so he can have a piece of Whitebeard? Hmmm.....

Well, the full summary + pics should be out in a couple days' time......
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