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Old 2011-06-28, 02:49   Link #337
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Originally Posted by Gamer_2k4 View Post
The way I understand it, Yuki made three major changes to the world:
3) Haruhi loses her powers. Implications: Time travelers don't exist (mutable space-time began with Haruhi, as no one can travel earlier than "three years ago"), espers don't exist (they got their powers at the same time), and aliens don't exist (they too are a product of Haruhi's will; see the fact that she defined their language in her "I AM HERE" writing).
As I understand it, what Yuki did with Haruhi's powers was not to cause them to cease to exist (in which case they would not have been available for her to use to revert the world once more afterward). Rather, she "locked out" Haruhi's access to her own powers, analogous to hacking a system's administrator account and revoking their administration permissions. Haruhi's powers were still there, but they now obeyed Yuki's commands instead of Haruhi's.

I honestly don't know why Yuki made the other school co-ed, other than that it was good for the story. Aside from that, there was no concerted effort on her part to "remove the supernaturals," as they already would've lost both their powers and their contact with Kyon by way of the intercessor (Haruhi) being absent. Really, if she would've just taken Haruhi's powers (and with them, her nose for weirdness, making her less drawn to North High), that would've been sufficient.
Given Yuki's goal of making Kyon focus his attention on her instead of Haruhi, she needed a world where Haruhi was not readily accessible to Kyon, yet was close enough that he could find her to invoke the escape program, hence Yuki moved her to Kouyouen. The more interesting question is why didn't Yuki put Mikuru in Kouyouen along with Haruhi and Koizumi? Mikuru was certainly a rival for Kyon's attention after all, especially since Yuki was giving herself only three days to convince Kyon to choose her.
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