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Old 2015-08-11, 14:21   Link #2
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: In the Void...
Age: 28
Chapter 1: Hunter

Heavy winds blow up whirling clouds of sand that blanket the entire town that lies before me. It always gets this way around high noon. We have learned to deal with it, though I was unlucky enough to be out just long enough to get caught in it. These sandstorms have never been particularly deadly, but damn are they unpleasant. I keep a hand over my eyes and slowly trudge through in the direction of the closest house.

Noone with even a shred of sanity would be out during this time of day, so I'll have to sit somewhere within the village once I get there. Once I reach the building I could barely see before the storm started, I lean against it and slowly sit down. As long as I sit on the side opposite of the wind direction, I am fairly safe from the violently flying sand. I was supposed to meet a man just outside the village for some information, but he never showed. The time of the meeting should've been a red flag to me. I guess I learned my lesson.

This village has a population of just under fifty people. Not a single thing is hidden from another resident. There is trust and a sense of family here which always puts me at ease. When outside the village all alone, the world is scary. But here, even when everyone else are in their safe houses, I am comforted. When this village was first founded and named Shirou, we were all wary of each other. Though in the past year, we are all closer than we would've ever thought.

My thoughts are confirmed once the storm dies down and everyone exits their houses. Everyone waves and chats, smiling all the while. It warms my heart. I get up and brush the stray sand off of my brown cloak and clothes. My cloak covers my arms in order to protect them, but I can easily push them outwards if I need to use them. I wave at the people I pass as I make my way to the building in the middle of Shirou. It is made of hardened sandstone like every other house in the village, though this one towers above alll the rest. This is essentially the information hub of the village and the home of our leader, Kage.

Kage is a kind man who serves as the beacon of hope to everyone in Shirou. He says he was born in Japan and that his name means "shadow." It was him who told me to go out and meet the man who didn't show up. This is one of the few times that information Kage gave me was false, so I'm not too upset. Kage never lets his guard down, and he constantly tries his best to protect every single soul in the village. I have had immense respect for him since the very first time I laid eyes on him.

"Oh, you're safe! I'm so glad," Kage's deep voice soothes me as I enter the information building.

"Well, of course. I've braved the storms a few times before," I reply, letting out a soft laugh. He wraps his arms around me, and my face flushes a bright red.

"Rose, I'm sorry," Kage says, his arms still wrapped tightly around me. "I should've known that man wouldn't show. He came by while you were gone. Please forgive me."

I politely push Kage away from me and tell him that I don't mind at all. His hug surprised me. It has been such a long time since I have gotten a hug. It was nice, just unexpected. Kage doesn't seem to understand my slight discomfort and just continues talking. He has a bad habit of focusing on himself too much when focused.

"Anyway, now that the storm is over, I regret to say that you have to venture out again. The man I wanted you to meet has given me an exact location of the source of these horrible sandstorms. He approached the area but was much too terrified to get too close. Rose, it is time for your first real Hunt."

The last word he says makes my eyes light up. Most of the able-bodied men go on hunts outside the village to find food and to kill the monsters that skulk around the outskirts of Shirou. I am the only woman who wanted to go through rigorous weapon training in order to be of some use, but I have rarely been outside the village, let alone on an important hunt. This was going to change that. I was finally going to be of some use to my fellow villagers.

"I'll go get ready!" I shout with excitement. "Who will be going with me?"

"I will," Kage says calmly.

My very teacher will be the one to accompany me. With him by my side, I know that I'll be safe if my first taste of real danger turns sour. Oh, how I've dreamt of this day. At his request, I go back to my house to pack the provisions I will need on my important journey. I line the inside of my cloak with a few water canteens and strap my weapons to my sides. Two daggers sheathed in short brown scabbards that curve slightly. I step out of my house and walk proudly towards the north edge of Shirou where Kage said he would be waiting for me. This will surely be a day I remember for the rest of my life.
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