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Old 2010-11-01, 09:49   Link #101
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
I think you were misunderstanding the finish ^_^;

Ayase is no hypocrite here. The point is that Kyousuke was turning things around: Now Kirino isn't the driving otaku force behind everything anymore. Instead, it's Kyousuke who tainted Kirino with his otaku ideas (something which relates to Ayase's earlier suspicion of "Give me back my pure Kirino"), and this makes Kirino a VICTIM of his otaku abuse and siscon fantasies. Now it's Kyousuke's perverted attempt to get into his sister's pants who's the enemy, and Kirino needs to be protected from Kyousuke's influence. THIS is why she decided to immediately reconcile with Kirino, to be closer to her in order to SHIELD her from Beelzebub Kyousuke.
I agree Ayase isn't a hyprocrite, but my understanding was that Ayase saw right through Kyousuke's lie ("lying brother"), yet still used it as an excuse to make up with Kirino. However, while she knows full well that Kyousuke isn't the root of all evil, I think she's truly convinced that Kirino's current relationship with her brother could evolve into incest: she's now aware that Kirino loves incest doujins (she doesn't know why though) and she's already witnessed first-hand how close the two siblings are and how far Kyousuke went to protect her. In the end, even though the lie in itself was more or less ineffective, it still allowed Ayase to notice the looming "threat" and provided her with the push she needed to get past Kirino's otaku tendencies and properly make up with her.
Rize and Kaneki
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