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Old 2012-07-28, 09:29   Link #31
original vampire
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: southeast asia
Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
SR is a great character, no doubt ... immensely likable.

However, making her the main character - like several people demanded - would be a disastrous mistake. What makes her appealing next to her kindness is her openness. What you see is what you get. However, this is also tremendously limiting in storywriting. A storyline with Haru and SR would turn into a snoozefest in no time.

One particular strength of KYH is the air of mystery which surrounds her. And what I find particularly impressive is that the more you learn about her, the more questions that are answered about her, the more new questions arise. This is her strength, which is keeping the story fresh.

Nope, SR as a great new recurring character and a foil for KYH - perfect. As main character - certainly not.
I agree, somewhat, but I don't think SR is perfect. The strength of KYH is her mystery, but I think SR herself still has more depths to be discovered. She's someone that's obsessed enough to cut off her own legs to be able to fly. What kind of real world mentality does it take to make that decision? What kind of life does she have? I just feel that there's more to her that we can discover.
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