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Old 2009-10-04, 12:50   Link #40
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Vereinigte Staaten
Age: 32
There is a IS a political difference between the mainland and Taiwan, but Taiwan as a true nation-state does not exist, since the people there almost all Chinese. That's why they're called the Republic of CHINA, not Taiwan.

The reason why other Asians reject Mainland China is obvious: The CCP controls it, and nobody wants to have anything to do with a totalitarian regime that has no hesitation to murder and imprison people in gulags just because of what they believe or say. However many Chinese don't get this and think that everyone is being anti-China, when the real, political problem is the CCP. This is because the CCP presents itself as "china" while in fact it cannot truly represent it.

In fact, I have not heard much anti-China sentiment in the USA; and while I feel that most Americans do not understand China or its history and culture, they definitely are not against China; in fact, most Americans acknowledge that China supports our economy and allows us to buy inexpensive products. We surely do not see China the way we saw the USSR.
I don't get what is going on about all this "anti-China" bullcrap; whenever anyone even mentions human rights, someone will start raving about how you're being "anti-China." It's ridiculous.
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