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Old 2007-05-10, 11:22   Link #4
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
First, very nicely built poll (though a bit early and lacks the tier 2 characters) -- points for the pics and not just names.

I went into this series being a Konata fan... but seeing Kagami animated and voiced each episode has drifted me into Kagami's camp. Though a certain someone I know looks more like Konata -- she *acts* more like Kagami which biases me.

Seriously this is poll of the trivialities... of the 4 choices they're all quite entertaining... though Miyuki really gets left behind a lot -- keep an eye out for when more of her attributes are animated (hint: hand her a game controller). Tsukasa has been a submarine hit with all her little side comments and whispers.

It'll be interesting to rerun the poll after Nanako and Yui get more airtime (I suspect Nanoko may draw some attention at least). And depending on how they handle Konata's mom ... she could shear off some numbers
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