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Old 2006-12-27, 20:14   Link #9
Snobby Gentleman
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Monterrey, México
Age: 43
Rough Yet Delicious

This was an enjoyable episode for not saying that it was a waste. Quite on the contrary it was productive on the scene that we see another side of politics dealt in that fictional historical period.

Loderia's dissent is basically derived from skirmishes between members of its own royalty. The kingdom is severely fractured in regards to injunctions of its own political base, because all heirs competitively vie for the throne disregarding the value of their blood relations.
In summary, history has taught the Loderian to pick up as a habit to use their neighbors weaknesses in respect to terms of one's own character, social skills, professional proficciency, the political context, and the monarchy to one own advantage.

I cannot stop feeling sorry a great bit for Septiéme, because she has experienced a fearful and unstable childhood and has grown to get use to intimidate others by means of psychological extortion, blackmail, or emotional breakdown, due since she's still a child, in order for her survival.

Ok. Casting aside the explanation, Septiéme makes the episode itself a solid worth, and Machs becoming the babysitter commoner to please her demands cannot make it to fail either.

As I have given serious thoughts, after learning that Chiwa Saito was the seiyuu who provided Septiéme's voice, IMO she's just as spunky and selfishly unrestrained just like Hazuki from Tsukuyomi ~Moon Phase~.
Septiéme even makes use of her royal status to boast a position of power to intimidate the poor pedestrians crossing her paths.

On the other hand, I cannot quite explain it properly, but she also reminded me of Rosetta from Kaleido Star.

In the physical aspects, Septiéme is quite comparable mainly to C.C. and likely Shirley from Code GEASS, and on a minor comparison to Hazuki, who I alreay mentioned before. Lastly, another minor comparison to Teletha Testarrosa from Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid! in reference to the same hair color.

There were GOLDEN moments in the episode:

1. Septiéme french kissing Machs. Oreld proved my suspicions for me.
2. Stekkin's frenetic face at the steering wheel.
3. Nurse fourth... or is it the fifth? failed attempt to extract another sample from Oland.

One of other thing that I liked the episode was because how Septiéme is introduced at the very beginning, which makes the audience believe initially that she's an antagonist or villain but was later proven she's not.

BTW, at the very end of the previous episode Leonil was having a toast with another man.
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