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Old 2013-01-24, 16:03   Link #11
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
The real OP and ED animation finally premiered. The visuals of the OP are about just as great as that of the first. I love it.

This episode perfectly showcased how much people's mindset has changed under the Sybil system. They are no longer the distrustful bunch we are. They have total security and are thus able to live carefreely. The idea that one of those stranger on the street might be a criminal is foreign to them. They have been so sheltered by Sybil they can not even comprehend what happens when a crime is committed right in front of their eyes. That scene was bone-chilling. These people were just standing there while another person was getting beaten to death, entirely unable to understand reality. Makishima is right about one thing: they are now more than sheep. It's certainly great that they can live without fear of being mugged or killed, but I feel they have lost something essential in the process.

Now that the dominators have been rendered ineffective, we'll get to see just how flexible Sybil is. Will Inspectors be allowed to carry more conventional weapons to uphold the law? They will be powerless if things remain as they are. The system needs to adapt to this new threat, and fast. Enforcers will have to stick with Dominators though, since giving them a firearm is risky. I'm sure Kogami will find another way to obtain one, as the OP indicates. Another option is to allow them to override the Dominator's settings manually, which they should have been able to in the first place. It makes no sense not to allow them to stun people at their own discretion. They're using humans instead of machines for a reason, they should make use of that.

Originally Posted by Haak View Post
So Makishima isn't just in it for the thrills: He has real socio-political motives in mind. And not only that but he's now not just another anomaly that the Sybl system can quietly deal with. Makishima's probably aware of that plan and has made sure the hole in the system is ripped open even more. I wonder if that helmet was something that was in production in Senguji's company. Makishima must be getting the money somewhere to develop such a thing.
That's been obvious for a while, but this episode finally confirms it. His motives are good at least on the surface (we're not privy to the details of his plan yet), however his methods are plain wrong and absolutely revolting. If it weren't for that, I could actually sympathize with him.

He's definitely backed up by somebody powerful. Developing and manufacturing those helmets must have required a lot of resources. I can't help but think he's helped by one of the higher-up of Sybil.
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