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Old 2009-09-05, 07:21   Link #264
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Originally Posted by risingstar3110 View Post
[LIST]First is Kyon's action of using punch against Haruhi. Seriously i do not understand how can people tolerate that action. Intend to punch a girl for whatever reason is unacceptable. Even when it's not true, surely "mistreat your friend/crush" is not one of them.....
I can much less understand how people can tolerate someone abusing others.
A punch is much less hurtful than what Haruhi does to others. And the whole "it's a girl" thing is really grating. So what ? Wasn't gender-based discrimination supposed to be something of the past ?

A punch is serious matter, yes. Abuse is much more serious. She definitely deserve this.
However...... describe Haruhi as sociopathy? Give me a break...Given the power Haruhi had both at the subconscious level (which can change anything oppose her way) and consciously (study, athletics, art and all other activity), and how she got through middle school without knowing (or being told) about the wrongness of sexual abuse, blackmail, mistreat....etc...... It's amazing that Haruhi can still have such a strong righteous to not end up as gang leaders, manipulate drug dealers and sell high-school girls to prostitution.... Hasn't "Stanford prison experiment" clearly showed that ?
She does things she find fun. And she finds fun in the weird, the imaginary and the dreams. She does not find selling drugs or prostitution to be fun - she probably look down on it with an eye full of scorn.
You can bet that if she found crime fun, half of Japan would be in civil war
Judge Haruhi based on human standard is like judging God by human standard
Haruhi has the mind of a human, not God. She merely have the powers of a god. That's the point of the story, a conscious God would not bother to make an amateurish movie.
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