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Old 2012-08-13, 02:15   Link #53
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Join Date: Oct 2009
This is getting a lot of attention elsewhere though ... just for the wrong reasons. The manga's getting to a pretty sexual point, I'm sure if you just show those images to other people they probably think this is hentai or something. Obviously from the intro post everyone know this is scheduled for TV Asahi, which currently doesn't have a consistent late night anime time slot (or is it none at all?). The main concern now is that this anime isn't really appropriate for an early time slot, and the homepage updated that they will have an update for the full schedule soon (<-- I always find update for an update funny, hahaha ... orz).

This really doesn't concern us but it's kinda interesting to see what the current situation is I guess.

Something that I didn't post during the last update (and I just forgot about it afterward) is that they already told us the characters will progress through age 12, 14, and 26, which brings it to a big-scale 3 part work (三部作). People were hung up over the 3-part thingy because they didn't know if it meant 3 cour or what, and I didn't follow up after so I don't know either. The wording's weird because the novel only had 2 parts and I thought it was only going to be 1 cour for sure but after that I don't know if they intend to drag this out since the novel total is around 1000+ pages.
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