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Old 2011-03-10, 03:13   Link #1039
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Location: Hotsprings Resort
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong as I'm not much of a mecha expert, but aren't the various super robot universes also filled with many robots, and the only thing that makes the super robot 'super' is that it has unique capabilities that set it far apart from the usual?
It is true that in mecha shows, the protagonist's (or more) mecha is unique from the mooks and the common robot. However, not all mecha are Super.

In a universe such as Gundam, the Real Robot aspect kicks in. Gundam is a Real Robot, as its superiority / power is based on technology; its weapon is battleship-class firepower, giving the pilot heavy firepower on a small, compact scale, and its beam saber was vastly superior to any other melee weapon at the time. Later on, the enemy's technology development caught up to the RX-78's level, so battles became a contest of pilot skill. Anyone can hop in; it's how good they are that makes the difference.

In contrast, a Super Robot's power comes partially technology, but also from the pilot's own will. An example would be Gurren Lagann, whose power level increased from hotblood and rage. No matter how far technology develops, a Super Robot's strength can and will grow beyond next-gen stuff by sheer willpower from its pilot. In other words, a unique pilot for a unique robot.

TL;DR : Real robots use tech. Super robots thrive on HOTBLOOD.

Though, it can hit a point where real and super mesh together into a single indistinguishable setting, kinda like tech and magic. The Nanoha series seems to such a case--though it leans heavily on the super side later on in the series--a combination of high tech and Befriending that instills a fear of pink lasers in everyone. The writer loves SRW, after all. An example of Real is the cartridge system. In A's, we start off already knowing that Nanoha and Fate are crazy powerful... and they get their butts whipped by the Wolkenritter. Upon acquiring a piece of uncommon but not uniquely rare upgrade, they gain equal footing.

Cut to StrikerS and wtf they're so powerful how did this happen?! Hard work and willpower. Now the Aces are so powerful that gathering them all together in one spot threatens the time-space continuum and necessitates limiters for everyone.

Last edited by Tempy; 2011-03-10 at 03:27. Reason: What time is it? 3:30am? Brain is fried.
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