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Old 2008-12-15, 11:00   Link #1076
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2008
No, no, no. Whitebeard said when Shanks came back from East blue without an arm, everyone was surprised. Whitebeard also gave hint that Shanks and Mihawk dueled when he still had both arms. Which means Shanks was already very powerful at that time. But Blackbeard, though not necessary beat Shanks, was able to wounded him WITHOUT DF power.

Shanks fought Teach years ago, when he didn't have the DF power. There's no proof indicate that Shanks knowing Teach has gotten the DF power now, and even so, an estimation logically aren't higher than reality. But he foresaw that the famous Fire fist Ace would lose, certain to the point of breaking through the marines and came to negotiate with Whitebeard.

Which put Teach among the top.
Before, when Shanks said that Teach would eventually take over Whitebeard position, i thought it was a hoax. But now, isn't the chance of it becoming reality really, really high?
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