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Old 2004-11-10, 13:42   Link #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2004
A small survey - Suicide

I would be very grateful, if you could answer to this little survey about suicide. You can send answers through e-mail too (


1. Age/Gender

2. Have you ever considered about attempting a suicide?
a) Yes b) No c) I have thought about it, but it wasn't very serious

2b. Only answer to this question if you answered yes, a) in the previous question.
Did your suicide thoughts include serious depression?
a) Yes b) No

2c. Only answer to this question if you answered yes a) in question 2.
Did you think about attempting a suicide in the last 6 months?
a) Yes b) No

3. Do you think suicide is acceptable?
a) Yes, everyone decides of their own life. b) No. Never. c) If there are good reasons behind it, etc. religious or ethic reasons. Note: Euthanasia isn't included in these reasons, or in this whole survey.

4. Has someone you knew well, ever done a suicide?
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