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Old 2013-04-20, 07:16   Link #20
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Tannhäuser Gate
Age: 35
CLANNAD/+(~After Story), Kanon (2006) and AIR were among the first animes I had seen, and they've kept their place at the top for me. These three have awakened the feelings in me that I'd long forgotten about and made me love life and have hope for it again. I cried to them, and I absolutely love the main characters to this day.

I cannot say the same about other key's anime adaptations - Angel Beats!, having had huge expectations for it only because it's from key, disappointed me greatly. Same goes for Little Busters!, I even dropped that one so it wouldn't spoil the visual novel. And I have yet to read any of the visual novels (although Little Busters! is pretty magical so far on my playthrough).

But I am seriously starting to believe that whatever key does well, KyoAni is an absolute necessity for that to be brought to light. I think Tamako Market is the perfect example of just how good KyoAni is -- while Hyouka and Chu-2 Byou both had a unique and intriguing storyline, this one has barely any semblance of a plot. And yet I'd still found it immensely enjoyable. Just like K-ON!. Why? The characters of course. Yeah, this animation studio is unmatched in their visual craft but I don't think that it alone can suffice, as godly as it may be.

While these characters are rather generic - something that was perfectly obvious to me even when I first started watching anime with CLANNAD - other aspects start to bury that fact over time with KyoAni's animes. They walk that fine line that separates irresistible, gentle moe and moe that you simply cannot swallow and always end up in the former category.

To sum it up: I don't know what KyoAni's magic is or how it works. Perhaps it's the fine tuned pacing, lush visuals or the consistent, endearing character art. I also realize this post is about key, not KyoAni, but the thing is, I don't really know how good key is on its own. I'll have to finish the Little Busters! visual novel to know that first.
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