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Old 2004-01-23, 00:57   Link #43
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2003
When I watch it, (the OVAs), the storyline seems unusual and cerebral and the characters interesting and well developed
to each their own, personal preference i suppose.

The big review sites seem to generally agree with me.
i know this is off topic, but honestly, i don't think this means anything. there are some series where i agree, and others where i really disagree. and as far as mass opinion of certain series, well, it's certainly easy to see why this argument doesn't work with places like animenfo, where 90% of all "reviews" are utter garbage

It is fairly subtle, perhaps this is interfering.
not sure if this is insinuating that i dont catch subtleties, but if it is, you are mistaken. miyu was very boring for me, and shallow in plot and characters. with only 4 episodes, and the fact that they were episodic, doesn't help much for character development and/or a plot (since a plot would be the polar opposite of episodicness).
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