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Old 2011-11-11, 08:54   Link #1421
Osana-Najimi Shipper
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Mt. Ordeals
For the record, JitBs are invincible while they are stealthed. This is the biggest buff for him ever, since it's hard to counterjungle him now in the beginning as you need someone to trigger his nest. And those JitBS hurt like hell, making it a very risky proposition destroying them since you will get gibbed if fear makes you run the wrong direction.

And I personally don't fear AD shacos. Drag the game on long enough without feeding him too much, and its practically a 4v5. His early game damage has been neutered that smart play can save yourself from ganks, and he sucks in lane, so avoiding feeding him is relatively easy.

AP shacos on the other hand, in early game can obliterate even Rammus on dbc if he stacked JitBs on a bush. Which means you have to be EXTREMELY wary if he's jungling (he's most likely counterjungling), and makes lane AP Shaco a VERY hard lane to gank since you don't know where those boxes are at. The bush domination support Shaco gives to his AD carry is immense, and while he doesn't give his lane mate sustain, if paired with an aggressive AD carry they can really dominate the traditional bot lane if played well. So much harder to avoid feeding the AP counterpart than AD.

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