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Old 2013-03-02, 10:57   Link #170
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Dengar View Post
EDIT: Er, this might be a little off track. I'm sorry. The point was, that if you're not a criminal, or mentally ill, or not recently traumatized by another criminal, you are safe. I think you and some other people are being rather paranoid about how the system works. And there's no way your hue gets red just because you're nervous. Remember, the hue of that guy in the factory was yellow-green, and he was murdering people.
No, you are simply not getting how the system works. You can be perfectly sane and yet be labeled a latent criminal. Look at Yayoi, Masaoka, or even Gino, who is on the verge of becoming a latent criminal. None of them have done anything wrong.

The pyscho-pass reading is about much more than mental health (that's only the hue) or tendency to commit crimes. Sybil judges people according to their own criteria of what a good citizen is (i.e, an obedient sheep). Anybody who doesn't fit is a latent criminal to them. Simply questioning or doubting the system can be enough to get you locked up. Thoughtcrimes very much exist under Sybil, and there is no way that is acceptable.

I can't say I understand why you are so hung up on defending Sybil after the recent revelations. It's clear Japan has now turned into a totalitarian state, and I have a hard time fathoming how anybody could see it as a good thing. Sybil is little more than a smokescreen preventing people from seeing they have been robbed of their intellectual freedom.
Rize and Kaneki
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