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Old 2010-01-12, 21:51   Link #226
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Originally Posted by stillmissing View Post
And before anyone says something like "the frog-faced doctor said his memories were gone forever" well, don't take this the wrong way, but try to keep in mind what this series is like. Kamachi has no fear of writing deus ex machina solutions to problems.
Yeah I know what you mean. I bet some part of the theories where Touma has a "super important past" will actually come to pass, even though there were no hints in the beginning when he did have his memory...

In these kinds of stories, its usually best if they're built backwards. The extremely basic foreshadowing seems to show that Kamachi really wasn't sure where he wanted to go at the beginning of the series. By basic foreshadowing I mean the "MYSTERY FACTOR". No, introducing a character/plot device and then telling us nothing about them/it does not really count as foreshadowing. It's more like keeping your options open ><

Anyhow, back to Touma: Do you think his memories will have any affect on his "lucky girl"? I seriously hope it doesn't end with an retarded "open ending".

Also, who's vent and what's her relationship to Touma?
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