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Old 2012-08-07, 15:05   Link #17
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
The thing is that everybody trapped in SAO is essentially the victim of an ongoing crime. They've all been victimized by Akihiko Kayaba. Given those very extenuating circumstances, I'm not sure if the law should come down as hard on PKers as it would on people committing murders out in the real world.

It should be a factor in sentencing, at the very least, imo.
It would be a factor in front of any guilt as punishment is measured by guilt.
They are still guilty of their own crimes though.
causality is measured directly and sine qua non meaning you ask yourself if the culprits action led to the result.

And while this guy can certainly be held responsible for deaths he can't be held responsible for a murder someone else comitted. He never planted the idea in their heads.
It also doesn't matter if they are victims themselves, they can still differ right and wrong, as said on the other page: latent knowledge and sense of guilt are enough.

plus sine qua non in case of PK is:
If X wouldn't have PKed Y h wouldn't have died.

Law usually tries to keep them short, as you can in theory make them endless with pretty ridiculous results.
(To name an extremely ridiculous one:
Lets assume Kayaba had the idea on his toilet, that always gives off electrical charges if somneone forgets to close the lid.
If the manufacturer would have never invented it Kayaba would have never gotten the idea --> they could in return say that they would have never built their seat if the result of their magic 8 ball wouldn't have said they should.

Note I deliberately choose a very ridiculous one for demonstration. They give more reasonable ones during college lectures)

No matter how you look at it: His part in there is not qualified for murder, but imho just for negligent homicide.

Originally Posted by kyp275 View Post
at which point the defense will ask the witness "are you 100% certain that you were going to die?", to which they'll have to say no, as no player in SAO had any way of verifying whether what Kayaba said was true.

because they're living just fine in the game, who knows what will actually happen if they die - will they be logged off and trapped in perpetual darkness forever 'til the game is cleared? nobody knows.
It doesnt matter if they are sure - they were told they'd doe and have therefore at least a latent imagination of it.

Gosh if I'd known what I started here... I really need one of those magic 8-balls to stop me from such madness oO
Those who forget about the past are condemned to repeat it - Santayana

Sidenote: I'm seemingly too dumb for my current keyboard, so if you see the same character twice in a row, when it doesn't belong there just ignore it.

Last edited by AC-Phoenix; 2012-08-07 at 16:13.
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