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Old 2007-06-04, 13:18   Link #26
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
Originally Posted by Skane View Post
Not me (I wonder how long before a certain somebody latches on this. I swear he's like a bloodhound at these things. I am hesitant to criticise at times, because he tends to take my arguments and either blow them out of proportion or out of relevant context). I could accept it, and they did retcon a lot of things in order to make it work, but it was still a blatant "Deus ex Machina" ending. The keyword here being, "blatant". Shiori's monologue on the matter alone more or less shows this.
Looks like your chowing on the magical-review-biscuit~
Oh the old days, I remember when I used to review the series, but then I saw Pelly's episode-series-reviews who, while different then mine, were.. well they were something~ they really discouraged me from reviewing episodes, series, characters etc. Sorry Pell xP

Pelly was a real influence on my views on how I should rate a series, I'm currently leaning to the opinion that a series is best judged by the communities response~ (note: not exactly opinion~) If more people contradict each other in views of the show, or like different things in the show then it's a ten otherwise it's average or bellow average. Regardless of brilliance or if the story is just more dumb-luck then anything. At the moment my opinion is good shows don't have to be "good" or "critiques approved".

Though your episode reviews are kinda making me reconsider ~ now don't let that go to your head, I still wouldn't give them a ten for various reasons, like fines. Maybe after you refine your review technique...
I can't believe I wrote that much on such a trivial topic >__>
Originally Posted by Skyfall View Post
Whatever Yorito might be, i think him being just an ordinary guy without any connection to the past Yorito is not possible - his sky obsession and same promise made to Matsuri hints at this. One way or another, he must have some connection to him, be it the same soul/him actually being the old Yorito revived/Daywalker yaka with suppressed memories/anything.

I think
Doesn't the term day-waling-yaka sound wrong.. I mean it's like saying a day-time-only-night-crawler.
BTW, what is the full real-life reference for yaka~
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