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Old 2009-04-08, 13:41   Link #24
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
Two minor bits of info: Luffy was eating for 30 minutes at that crazy rate. How many tons of food did his eat!?

Inazuma was a Level 5 prisoner (like Iwa). Not a surprised, but confirmed at least.

I was thinking previously that maybe if Luffy was quick to eat he could get to Ace first (before Magellan), but this hasn't happened. Instead, looks like we'll get Magellan vs Luffy round 2 very soon. I also thought there might be a way directly from Level 5.5 to Level 6 but there isn't (or at least, not a quick path).

Looks like Bon-chan will be taken with the other New-kamas on their big prison break - I think he fainted for relief/tiredness once he saw Luffy was okay. I wonder if they'll spread out through all levels and do a big prisoner release, or if they'll simply aim straight for the top? The smart thing to do would be to take out the control room - make Impel Down "blind". I wonder if they'll chance across Buggy and Mr 3 while they're at it.
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