Thread: Extreme Tattoos
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Old 2004-10-06, 17:45   Link #16
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Netherlands, Maastricht
Age: 38
Originally Posted by PriestessKikyo
Seeing blood is not exactly in my daily routine. J/w do you see a lot of blood in your life?

And oh, scarrification is definitely not a word.
The act of "scarifying" refers to a scratch or a shallow cut, which in this case is a huge understatement...

Try masochism.
At the moment, no. I've seen a lot of blood though, both in real life and on the internet. Enough to kind of be immune to it, if you know what I mean...
And excuse my poor english abilities english is not my native language, so I have no idea if words like that actually "exist". All I know is that scarrification (spelling might be wrong, so sue me ) is used as a word. I've got a couple of friends who've done stuff like this, just not as extreme. One of them got branded (literally). He created a design, and with a small red-hot piece of metal, they burned the design in his skin. The other one got a similar thing done, but he let his design got carved in his arm with a knife...
Both "designs" look like a piece of crap to me
So the thing posted above is more extreme, but IMO it's basically the same thing...

I wouldn't mind seeing the endresult when it's healed though
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